About Julie Coiro

Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI 2)

The Reading Passages

A. Word Identification in Content: Oral Reading
B. Unaided Recall
C. Comprehension Questions

What You Need:
1. A student copy of two narrative oral reading passages and one expository reading passage at each predicted grade level  (at least a range of three grade levels to be prepared for all types of students)
2. An examiner’s copy of each graded oral reading passage, the retelling scoring sheet, and the comprehension questions that accompany each passage


  1. to determine a student’s independent, instructional and /or frustration levels for word identification in context
  2. to determine a student’s independent, instructional and /or frustration levels for comprehension
  3. to assess a student’s ability to read different types of text (eg. narrative, expository, familiar, unfamiliar, with and without pictures)
  4. to assess a student’s ability to comprehend in different modes (eg. orally or silently)

A. Word Identification in Context: Oral Reading


1. Selecting a passage: The examiner must choose a passage for the student to read, using guidelines from the word lists, concept questions and/or prediction tasks to ascertain familiarity with the topic of the selection.    Choose a level where the student has attained the independent level on the accompanying word list.  If time is short, once you obtain an instructional level, you can often estimate the independent and frustrational level.

 2. Administering the Oral Reading Passage

Oral Reading: Examiner says “I have some passages for you to read.  (Optional for Grade 3 and above: Some you will read out loud and some you will read silently.) I will be writing down what you say, and because I cannot remember everything you say, I will also be taping you.   I cannot help you in any way.  If you come to a word you do not know, just do the best you can and continue on.  After, I will ask you to tell me about what you can remember about the passage just as if you were telling it to someone who had never heard it before.  I will also ask you some questions about what you have read.  Ready?  The first passage is called _________”.Remember to note the starting and ending time of reading to estimate words read per minute.

Optional: Sometimes I ask an older, weak reader to read the passage silently first and then to read it out loud while I record miscues.  You can note this on the recording form and use this as an instructional strategy to compare with a passage that the student only reads silently or only reads out loud for overall comprehension.

Silent Reading: It is better to evaluate expository text through silent reading, particularly for students at Grade 3 level or above.  You can also assess the transition to reading silently with reading passages at Grade 2 or 3.  Use the same directions to the student as for Oral Reading.

3. How to score results

1. Oral Reading Miscue Analysis:

 Special Notes: B. Unaided Recall:

Procedure: After the student has finished reading the selection, the examiner should remove the passage and say, "Now I'd like you to retell what you just read as if it were being told to someone who had never read or heard it before."  After the student has retold as much as s/he can, the examiner  asks "Is there anything else you would like to say about the passage?  Can you remember anything else that the author wrote about?  Does the title help you remember any other details?"

Scoring: Place a check next to each explicit idea listed on the scoring sheet.  As an option, you can indicate the sequence of each idea as retold by the student (after listening again to a tape recording).  Write in any additional recalled ideas.  This recall can be evaluated for completeness, accuracy, sequence and use of narrative and expository structure.  You can also compare the quality of this unaided recall to the student’s ability to answer explicit and implicit questions about passage content in the next comprehension question section.

What does this test tell you?
This test can provide valuable information with implications for instruction.

C. Comprehension Questions:

Procedure: After the student has retold to the best of his or her ability, the examiner should ask the comprehension questions.  Record the student’s response in the space provided as mark as correct or incorrect.  Students that provide answers from background knowledge can be asked “But what do the clues in the passage tell you?”  Count the number of questions answered correctly to determine the comprehension level.  Compare the number of explicit questions answered correctly vs. implicit questions.  Use the chart at the end of the examiner’s passage scoring sheet to record these totals and to quickly approximate a level to know whether to have the student continue reading at the next level or stop.

Scoring: Award one point for each correct answer.  Use the chart at the end of the comprehension questions to record these numbers.  Answers to explicit questions are only correct if the answer is stated explicitly in the passage.  Answers to inferential questions are only considered correct if the answer relates to a clue in the passage; answers from background knowledge are not considered correct. At the pre-primer level, there are no inferential questions, but students may use information from the pictures to answer an explicit question. You  must score the questions as you go along.  The scores tell you when to move to higher passages and when to stop.

What does this test tell us?

Finding an Instructional Level: (see formulas and percentages on p. 49 and 50)

Using the Miscue Analysis Worksheet

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