About Julie Coiro

Qualitative Reading Inventory (QRI 2)
Word Lists

What You Need:
1. Subject word lists (p. 90-93) run off and laminated if possible
2. Examiner word lists (p. 94-98); new copies to write on for each student (choose estimated reading level)
3. About 5-10 minutes of time per student
1. estimate starting point of oral reading passages
2. identify student’s decoding skills
3. determine student ability to identify words automatically
4. identify student’s knowledge of letter sounds
5. use to compare student ability to identify words in isolation vs. words in context
The student is given one list of words that should be easy and is asked to read each word out loud.  The other word lists are covered up.  If you like, you can use a card to uncover each new word in the list.  The examiner tells the student that she will be writing down what he/she reads.  The examiner records the answers on the word list scoring sheet. Keep moving through the lists until the student scores at the frustrational level or becomes visibly frustrated.

Examiner says “I have some lists of words that I want you to read one at a time.  Some of the words will be easy for you and some may be very hard.  Don’t worry.  You are not expected to know all of them.  If you don’t know a word right away, try your best to figure it out.  I cannot help you in any way and I cannot tell you if you are right or wrong.  Just do your very best.  Are you ready?”

How to Record:
Identified Automatically
  1. If word is read correctly and automatically, put a check in the Identified Automatically column.
  2. If word is sounded out and read correctly, or there is a long pause before reading, put a check in the Identified column.
  3. If word is decoded incorrectly first and then self-corrected, write incorrect pronunciation in Identified column, then cross out and put check or SC.
  4. If another real word or nonsense word is read automatically, write exactly what was spoken in Identified column. Use vowel markings and accent marks to help remind you what was said.  X the number in front of the word when finished with list to indicate this word was read incorrectly.
  5. If student said “I don’t know”, mark DK in one of the blanks.
  6. Write all things spoken, even if the student ultimately reads the correct word.  Put one error after another, and then draw line through each and write SC (if reader self-corrects) at the end of the list.

How to score results:

A quick count of words read correctly should be taken to know whether to have students continue reading at the next level or not.  Be aware of students with very strong decoding skills who are reading words way above their level, but seem not to understand what they mean.  These are both important and useful observations for the final summary.  If this happens, use your discretion in choosing a grade level reading passage to begin with.

After all tests have been given, the student’s errors can be coded on a Miscue Analysis worksheet to help identify patterns in the way this student “attacks” words in isolation.

Special Notes:

  1. The graded word lists do not represent a natural reading situation and do not assess a student’s comprehension ability.  A student’s scores on an isolated list should never be used to estimate his/her overall reading ability.
  2. The examiner is encouraged to probe further with students who seem to be having difficulty (model word analysis strategies, look for transfer to new words).  Be sure to note any help given, interesting observations, and student comments on the scoring sheet, but a student should not receive credit for it when determining levels for word identification in isolation.
  3. If possible, make note of time it took student to read each list.  Jot it down in corner.

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